Each year Business Whangaparaoa are required to hold an AGM (Annual General Meeting) and notice must be sent to all members.
You will not be able to hold the AGM until after the financials for the previous year end are received which can take anywhere from 3-5 months. Once you have the financials you can finalise a date and start to collate the information you are required to send out.
If you are unsure of the procedure for an AGM here is information on the notice required. If you have any matters that require a Special Resolution you need to give a minimum of 21 days notice otherwise you can give 14 days notice.
The paperwork you need to collate and send out is -
Put an event in the online calendar and add a link to all the above in the website page "AGM" which you can then share that link in your public notices. This is the on-site page which doesn't have a link from the site front end.
When you send out notice send a specific email to all members but also then include the notice in all newsletters up to the AGM. Invite all businesses to come along.
Run the event along with the Chair.
Below are some word versions of the documentation from 2023 to use as templates or for ideas =
The Chair will usually write their own report - no more than one page on activities in the past year and hopes for the current year and the Annual Report of the past year report will be created by the Business Manager but basically just consists of a single document combining reports from the past year from events, activities and any other things of note into a summary of the year. The Treasurer's Report also may not be as the example but will be developed by the Treasurer as they see fit.