These were events we set up to hold in newly identified "Districts" along the Peninsula. Because the Peninsula is long and thin it is a challenge to be able to bring all businesses together - there's quite a distance between Red Beach and Gulf Harbour and a challenge to support all in similar ways.
We split the Peninsula up into 6 Districts being Gulf Harbour, Manly Village, Coast Plaza District, Karepiro District, New World Shopping District and Red Beach (incorporating Hilltop Shops). An event was held in each District (except Red Beach as there was a very poor response to event call out). We held a couple of events prior to Covid and then these were on hold for quite a long time.
At each event we invited along Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste who spoke briefly on climate action obligations for business as well as their City to Farm and Green Schemes supporting local and also Manly Fire Brigade who talked about safety and security tips for businesses. From both of these we subsequently have been working alongside Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste and local businesses on the Green Scheme project and also developed an online information page on our BW website of a collation of all the information imparted and discussed with Manly Fire Brigade.
Whist turn out was low at some events (biggest turn out at Paraoa Brewing for Coast Plaza District and Gulf Harbour both events had a good turn out) each event was very enlightening and two resulted in small local committees being set up (Manly Village and Karepiro District) and subsequently the Giant Family Fun Day events which it would be good to expand further and the District brochures for each of these two areas.
It may be an idea to again hold these town centre meet ups as they weren't difficult to organise and were a great opportunity for a touch point and the Business Manager to go in to every business in each district and leave information and ask questions and continue on the awareness campaign.
Templates and databases can be found in the Google Drive Past Events folder and many of the businesses in our online database have been tagged in their appropriate area (this does need to be checked though).
Events have been held in -