New Member Set Up Procedure
When you get a new member, if they haven't completed a membership form, fill out a new member application form as this -
- Sends an email notification to you that a form has been submitted
- Adds a new business for finalisation and publishing
- Adds a new contact to the CRM database (or updating if there is a current contact)
If sales is signing up at a premises, get a photo of the owner with our brochure showing their premises/logo - you can use this for a Facebook post
New Member Website Set Up
To finalise upload on site -
- Go to WP Engine
- Go to Fluent Forms Pro | Forms | Business Whangaparaoa Membership Application Form
- Open the form
- Open a second tab
- Go to Contact CRM | Contacts
- Open the Contact
- Check and add any fields not complete including Advertising Start Date and Advertising End Date
- Also add in List: "Members" and their business category tags. Some businesses may be in more than one category
Then go to Canva to make their logo - make a 350 x 350 image
Then go to WP Engine | Businesses –
Open the new Business listing added by the form completion and check and complete blank fields as below -
- Title: Business name
- Phone
- Email
- Web address
- Address
- Suburb (drop down)
- Business type/categories (these are the directory pages the listing will appear on – can be more than one)
- Membership: Member
- Price Range: $
- Keywords
- Main short description
- SEO – Titles settings – Title and Meta description
- Social – copy Titles settings for both Facebook and Twitter
- Add schema at bottom of page
- Upload the logo you just created in right column under "Feature Image"
- Add tag: Member
- Add their member special as per below instructions
- Update
- Publish | Publish
Add Member 2 Member special
- Then in the top of the page below the heading
- Add an H3 heading (make size Medium (right column)) and put the business name – centre (this may seem odd as you already have their business name but note that one won’t appear in your content screen so you need to add a second one)
- Add their linked website immediately below – centre
- Then below add their Member Special using the template below (or if they don't have a special add no special template below)
- Paste the following template wording and change to suit
- Go to the front end and find the page by either clicking on the member special link at the bottom of their listing or under …/business-listings/business-name
- Then go to bitly and create a QR code for their page
- Customise with white SCAN ME border around
- Download and save
- Back in your business page create an image and upload the QR code
- Make the QR code size "medium" (right columnm) and align centre
- Open Paintshop or whatever snap dump programme you use
- Screenshot the whole special on mobile size
- Save
- You'll be able to now send to the member
If they don’t have a special just put in the offer line “No current special available” and don’t add a QR code
Template wording for special:
Business Whangaparaoa Member:
01 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 (membership dates)
Member website (linked)
Make this their short description and include their address and linked phone number. (Don't make this too long)
MEMBER OFFER: 10% discount on all services to BW members (special)
- Emails | Send Email | Use Email Template | Import template – New Member check uploaded listing
- Fill in all relevant details
- Send
Facebook Welcome post
In Canva create a Facebook post image - 600 px wide x 314 px high
Schedule in Hootsuite with following wording for over the coming week
Business Whangaparaoa would like to celebrate our newest members and thank them for their support. Please support … tag in business if can and short blurb then link in phone, email, web address
- If you can’t tag in the business add a link to their FB page at the end of the post
- Once the post is published take a snap dump of the post to email to the owner
Then advise Treasurer of new member for invoicing.
The Treasurer will monitor payments