When you want to collect payments for events you need to create forms with payment links.
First create the payment links -
Go to tab Stripe Payments
Then copy your payment link shortcode. If you want to create more than one payment option (eg members or non-members then open a new tab (so you don't lose your current copied shortcode) and create a second payment link
Then make sure you have payment pages created. You can reuse former ones with the new information -
If you have two (or more) payment shortcodes created you can either put on separate pages but the conditional logic to take the user straight to different forms is very unpredicable you are best to put both payment links on the same page .
Then in Forms create your form -
Drag and drop the fields you want to use and add your options
Often it is best to just duplicate a previous form, change the name and make sure you have all the new details in it including changing confirmation notification in the settings.
Once created with your options in Editor go to Settings and Integrations -
If you only have one payment page then under "Confirmation Settings" select "To a Page" and select your payment page name (all pages will appear as options when you click in the box)
Go to Email Notifications tab -
Finally add your form to your event listing -