We once again kicked off the new year with our breakfast networking at Red Beach.
A huge thank you to the sponsors of our events during 2023 -
Thursday 16 February - Meet Simon Bridges - Business in Auckland
Venue: Red Beach Surf Life Saving Club, Time: 7.00 am to 8.30 am. Buffet breakfast provided
Speaker: Simon Bridges, Topic: Business in Auckland, Attendees: 43, Sponsors: NZ Sign Solutions, Bayleys Orewa and Hibiscus and Bays Local Board
An excellent morning with an ample buffet breakfast. Simon Bridges spoke well on the trials, tribulations and expectations of businesses in the Auckland region. Whilst there are a lot of pressures on businesses from interest rate rises, the rise in the minimum wage, continual recovery from Covid, the rising cost of living and issues with staffing and immigration Simon believes there is still some positivity in the market. He is working with both the current government and opposition parties to ensure he lobbies for support for Auckland businesses. Simon spoke well and fielded a few questions before everyone enjoyed some more networking and then heading off to work.
Town Centre Meet Ups - Manly Village - Wednesday 15 March
Venue: India Village, Manly Village, Time: 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm, Attendees: 11 attendees, 5 apologies. Our last town centre meet up had been back in 2021 and a lot has changed in business since that time.
Along with presentations from Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste and BW we also talked about plans around -
Fun Family Days - Borrowing Games from Giants
Buy Local campaign
Coastal Trail updates
Manly Fire Brigade had hoped to also present on safety points for businesses but were unable to attend at the last minute. Notes were subsequently distributed to 16 contacts with emails around the Village area and a small sub-committee was also subsequently formed to start some Manly Village incentives which included later in the year both a Village brochure and a Family Fun Day event.
Town Centre Meet Ups - Gulf Harbour - Wednesday 29 March
Venue: Mainsail Restaurant, Gulf Harbour Village, Time: 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm, Attendees: 13 attendees, 5 apologies
Along with presentations from Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste and Manly Fire Brigade, BW again talked about plans around -
Fun Family Days - Borrowing Games from Giants
Buy Local campaign
Coastal Trail updates
Notes were subsequently distributed to 93 contacts with emails around Gulf Harbour district so a good reach. No sub-committee was formed however Gulf Harbour did become one of the venues for our Giant Family Fun Days later in the year.
Town Centre Meet Ups - New World - Wednesday 17 May
Venue: The Archer, New World Shops, Time: 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm, Attendees: 8 attendees, 1 apology
Along with presentations from Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste and Manly Fire Brigade BW again talked about plans around -
Fun Family Days - Borrowing Games from Giants
Buy Local campaign
Coastal Trail updates
Whilst this was a low turn out a couple of excellent outcomes came from this including The Avenue Hair Salon and NZ Sign Solutions both becoming part of the Zero Waste Green Scheme project.
Notes were also subsequently distributed to 63 contacts with emails around the New World district of Stanmore stretching from Viponds Road to just past Arklow Lane.
Wednesday 24 May - Meet Lester Haycock - Pearls of Wisdom
Venue: The Beer Spot, Coast Plaza, Time: 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm, Speaker: Lester Haycock, Topic: Pearls of Wisdom
Attendees: 23 (a lot of apologies through illness - winter and Covid was rearing it's ugly head for many)
Despite the low turnout Lester was an excellent speaker. He told us a little about his life and experiences which include being founder of many, many large companies that are all still operating today under various ownerships. It was a very enjoyable evening and Lester gave us lots of wonderful "Pearls of Wisdom".
Monday 29 May - Business Continuity Workshop
Business Whangaparaoa organised a Business Continuity Workshop alongside EMA.
The workshop was designed to support Auckland small businesses to prepare a Business Continuity Plan to build their resilience, giving them the necessary skills and confidence to prepare for future disruptive events. We had a small turnout but those who attended felt it was of very good value.
Town Centre Meet Ups - Coast Plaza District - Wednesday 7 June
Along with presentations again from Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste and Manly Fire Brigade BW talked about plans around -
Fun Family Days - Borrowing Games from Giants
Buy Local campaign
Coastal Trail updates
At this event we also had a presentation by Jug from the Whangaparaoa Community Patrol who assist police along the Peninsula and support local businesses with their regular patrols both day and night.
Notes were subsequently distributed to 64 contacts with emails around the Coast Plaza district of Stanmore stretching from shops at Thai Windows and Midway Carpets. This was a dynamic get together with a lot of enthusiasm.
Town Centre Meet Ups - Karepiro District - Wednesday 21 June
Along with presentations from Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste and Manly Fire Brigade, BW again talked about plans around -
Fun Family Days - Borrowing Games from Giants
Buy Local campaign
Coastal Trail updates
This was one of our most dynamic events. Even though it was a small turn out from this subsequently a sub-committee was formed and Karepiro became our first venue for a Giant Family Fun Day and District brochure.
Notes were subsequently distributed to 55 contacts with emails around the Karepiro district of Stanmore and the database has also now expanded.
Wednesday 12 July - Mid-Year Christmas Casual Networking
Once again we enjoyed an evening of nibbles, drinks and casual networking at The Beer Spot. We had a good turn out and steady flow of people coming in including some new people.
The event was open to all local business owners but Members are entitled to discounted drinks.
Monday 17 July - Penlink Presentation
In conjunction with the O Mahurangi Penlink team, Business Whangaparaoa presented an opportunity for local business owners to find out more about how the project is presenting, full details and also an opportunity to drive the route in the Penlink simulator!
This was held in the Pohutukawa Room at Whangaparaoa Library and we had 17 attendees including the Penlink team. A further 10 were registered but were apologies or didn't arrive.
The meeting was very successful with many questions answered and a very good presentation. The driving simulator also had more detailed information boards which a number of people had a drive also plus the simulator attracted a curious member of the public!
Wednesday 16 August - Meet Ross Wilson - Overcome Helplessness and Thrive in Difficult Times
Venue: The Archer
Speaker: Ross Wilson, Growing Organisations
Topic: Overcome Helplessness and Thrive in Difficult Times
Time: 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Sponsors: Hibiscus and Bays Local Board and iLender
No of attendees: 22
Ross runs his business, Growing Organisations, and showed us his skills and knowledge from helping support small business owners. Ross had 3 main points for us to take away –
Events that happen to us, or threaten us, are external
Events that happen to us, or threaten us are temporary/seasonal
Victory in every battle begins in your mind and is won on your knees in gratitude.
Ross was an entertaining and informative speaker. The event was sponsored by iLender and Hibiscus and Bays Local Board.
Sunday 27 August - Meet the Candidates
We held a very successful Meet the Candidates event on Sunday 27 August. With almost all of the candidates standing for Whangaparaoa in the upcoming General Election we had a good crowd of almost 100 attendees.
The event was MC'd by John Davies who did a good job and timing from Sarah. The event was at Manly Bowling Club and we self-catered with the bar also open after the event.
It was once again a very successful afternoon.
Saturday 14 October - Giant Family Fun Days - Karepiro District
Business Whangaparaoa held our first Giant Family Fun Day at Karepiro Drive (car park outside The Salvation Army Family Store) on Saturday 14 October from 11 am to 2 pm. We had good weather, no rain, although it was a little windy but it was a warm wind.
Turnout would have been estimated at over 500 or so with lots of kids. Popcorn, candyfloss and the sausage sizzle were very popular with continual lines at each. The bouncy castle was also a big and popular feature. There was also free lollies and chips handed out.
We provided a number of Giant games including 2 x noughts and crosses, jenga, connect 4, snakes and ladders, draughts and 12 x space hoppers. All games were popular throughout the event. These games had been provided for placemaking community use by Auckland Council in 2022 to Destination Orewa and Business Whangaparaoa.
One of the key purposes of the event was to drive more people up Karepiro Drive, many of whom would usually just drive past, and showcase the large number of businesses in the district and encourage locals to stay local and use these businesses. All businesses in the area were encouraged to come along and were welcome to hand out any cards/brochures if they wished. We also had our brochures for the District ready and handed out.
Saturday 4 November - Giant Family Fun Days - Manly Village
Business Whangaparaoa held our second Giant Family Fun Day at Manly Village top carpark on Saturday 04 November from 11 am to 2 pm. Once again, we had good weather and it was quite hot.
Turnout would have again been in the region of 500-600 or so with lots of kids. Popcorn and candyfloss were very popular with continual lines at each. We didn’t have a sausage sizzle at this one as the idea was to encourage people to go to the cafes in the Village and they all did seem to have very brisk trade for the day. The bouncy castle again was also a big and popular feature.
And once again, there was also free lollies and chips handed out. We provided our games again.
Business Whangaparaoa also had available brochures promoting all the businesses located in Manly Village. Again, one of the key purposes of the event was to drive more people into Manly Village and to support the local businesses. Manly Village is already a popular destination but there are some businesses new or hidden away it is good to be able to highlight. All businesses in the area were, once again, encouraged to come along and were welcome to hand out any cards/brochures if they wished.
Wednesday 8 November - Meet Grant Difford - How to Get Your Business Working for You
Venue: The Archer
Speaker: Grant Difford, Waking Giants
Topic: How to Get Your Business Working for You
Time: 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Sponsors: Hibiscus and Bays Local Board
No of attendees: 24
To many business owners get consumed by the ‘busyness of business’, not enough time, not enough resource and not enough growth. In this session I will guide you back to why you got into business, how you can find that time that seems to go missing every day, reignite your passion for being in business and how to get it working for you in the next 90 days. All by being selfish about what you really want from life.
Grant spoke well. He got us to visualise what it is we really want in life and out of our business. It’s important not to be a slave to your business but for it to be working for you and also gave us tips on changing our mindset. A good way to end the year and head into the holiday break with some food for thought.
Simplicity + Purpose (Action) = Outcome
Wednesday 29 November - Green Scheme Showcase and Awards
Over 2023 Business Whangaparaoa and Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste worked collaboratively in –
Identifying different industries to target for climate action
Creating surveys specifically for each of the identified industries
Creating databases of businesses within those industries
Identifying specific businesses to survey (approx. 3 in each defined category)
Completing the surveys and identifying issues within the industries –
Potential issues they face
What they currently do and how
Ideas on what they would like to do
Collating all the information and researching potential opportunities
Putting all this information on issues, possible solutions and some potential deadlines into industry specific brochures
Creating a Certificate and sticker basis for acknowledging and celebrating actions taken
Holding an Awards night and celebrating the businesses who have participated to date and presenting with Certificates
Event Evening
Green Scheme Showcase & Awards – A Celebration of Local Sustainable Business, Venue: Manly Bowling Club, Time: 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm, Sponsors: Auckland Council, No of attendees: 24, Event cost: Free
We enjoyed an evening of networking, celebration, good food and drinks!
We celebrated some of our small Coastie businesses who are already taking some actions in their bid to help with climate change issues along with presentations about information and business solutions we have found along the way. We awarded Green Scheme Certificates to local businesses taking climate action, showcasing their work and providing information about how other attendees can get involved as well as providing information for our general community and households to be doing their thing too.
Saturday 2 December - Giant Family Fun Days - Gulf Harbour
Business Whangaparaoa held our third Giant Family Fun Day at Gulf Harbour, running alongside Vine Church Carols on the Canal event, on Saturday 02 December from 11 am to 2 pm. Once again, we had good weather and it was hot although the breeze from the canal helped but did hinder the games later in the day. .
Turnout was much higher than our last two events being combined with an already established event and estimates would be in the region of 2,000+ over the day. All our usual elements were popular in particular the games and just added to the atmosphere of the Christmas event and again free lollies and chips handed out and Santa was a bit hit coming up the canal on the Hibiscus Coastguard boat.
Business Whangaparaoa did not manage to organise a sub-committee for the area and therefore no extra promotions were available for local busineess.
Wednesday 6 December - Christmas Casual Networking
Once again we held our annual Christmas drinks and networking which was again very successful with a good turnout of approx. 18 coming and going and some good food from Paraoa Brewing.
Monthly meeting of the Business Whangaparaoa Executive Committee. Held on the second Thursday of each month in the side room at The Hub, Coast Plaza from 4.30 pm to 6.00 […]
During October BUY LOCAL and be in to WIN!!Make any purchase from ANY business in Whangaparaoa, Red Beach to Gulf Harbour and be in to WIN great prizes!Details coming soon!
Head along to enjoy great fun for all the family at the Business Whangaparaoa "Giant Fun, Family Fun Days with games borrowed from Giants" On this summer with free lollies […]