We decided to kick start the year with a breakfast network meeting as something a little different and then had a fractured year, as did everybody, with the Covid 19 pandemic.
A huge thank you to the sponsors of our events during 2020 -
Over 2020 we managed to hold 2 keynote speaker network events.
Our first business event for 2020 was held on 26 February at Red Beach Surf Life Saving Club and was a breakfast event.
Our speaker for the event was Michael Barnett and we ran this in collaboration with Destination Orewa and SABA. Our audience heard from Michael who offered advice and support on “Getting the Business Voice Heard”. Michael spoke very well and gave us an overview of the current state of business in Auckland and an insight into the type of support and work done by the Auckland Chamber of Commerce in supporting businesses.
This event was sponsored by Duncan Building Services, iLender and Simpson Western. It was a beautiful morning with a magnificent sunrise over Red Beach and was enjoyed by all attendees. This event attracted 57 attendees.
On 11 March 2020 we held a meeting with the Manly Village tenants to encourage them to do a Buy Local campaign and to network together. We presented a Meal Deal or Hot Chocolate idea. They were subsequently keen to set up their own local business group to work together to beautify the village and hold village events.
This was the first of our efforts to connect directly with business owners for a specific area. We held the event at Cafe Manly who kindly hosted food and drinks were sponsored by Business Whangaparaoa.
Business Whangaparaoa instigated a buy local campaign to be implemented after Covid-19 Lockdown to help support our local Coast economy.
We developed a tagline and branding around “Keep it on the Coast” and invited Destination Orewa and Silverdale Business Association to be part of this campaign to extend it across the Hibiscus Coast region.
Business Whangaparaoa developed window stickers and bumper stickers for local businesses to show their support and to “Keep it on the Coast”. These were also used as a practical PR exercise for BW to be out talking to local businesses and spread the word on our activities, events and support for local business.
In discussions with Destination Orewa and Silverdale Business Association it was decided to run the campaign from 20 May to 20 June 2020.
We all researched prizes and were able to offer a total prize pool of over $1,800 worth of prizes split into 3 major prizes.
We each promoted the campaign through our social media channels plus had adverts in Hibiscus Matters and Millwater Mag.
We enjoyed an evening of nibbles, drinks and casual networking. These events are a very casual affair, which we are making regular and held twice a year. The main aim is for Business Whangaparaoa to thank members for their support and offer an opportunity for casual networking as well as continue to build our profile in the local business community.
The event was open to all local business owners but Members are entitled to discounted drinks.
On Monday 6 July Business Whangaparaoa hosted another CV workshop at Whangaparaoa Community Hub. The aim was tTo provide support for local youth and unemployed to ensure an updated CV and interview techniques to increase their chances of employment
Unfortunately we had a low turn out and feel that there is not the demand for these workshops.
Business Whangaparaoa decided over 2020 to also target local businesses by industry to get feedback on what they want from us as the local business association. We kicked this off with a get together designed for businesses in the marine industry and held this at Gulf Harbour Yacht Club.
We offered a free sausage sizzle and one free drink. The aim was to bring members of the marine community together to find out what they expect from a local business association. Introduce BW reach into the Marine Industry and potential new members.
There was a reasonable turn out and we did get some feedback although being in times of Covid business owners focus is distracted.
After disruptions to both our May and August network events due to Covid restrictions we were finally able to hold a second network event for 2020.
Paul has over 25 years of specialist marketing and sales development experience. His expertise is grounded in marketing research and sales development in both commercial and academic contexts. After completing a Ph.D in International Marketing in 2005, Paul joined AUT to co-develop and teach NZ’s only undergraduate degree in Sales Management. He has presented at international and domestic conferences and award winning research has been published in books and articles in academia, management, and mainstream media.
Paul has a passion for helping SME’s and larger organisations reach their potential through smart and cost effective marketing and sales development strategies.
Paul spoke very well and it was a very successful evening with a good turn out of 46 attendees.
This event had originally been scheduled for March 2020 however suffered 2-3 delays due to Covid restrictions. This free BBQ and drinks evening was eventually held on 26 November.
The event was sponsored by Carters who ran the sausage sizzle for us on the balcony at Stanmore Bay Boat Club plus they offered two vouchers as giveaways.
The event had a reasonable turn out. Again the aim was to bring the tradie community together to find out what they expect from a local business association. Introduce BW reach into the Trades Industry and potential new members
The end of 2020 saw us enjoy our bi-annual casual networking event for Christmas. We had a 14 people turn out which was good for this busy time of the year who enjoyed meeting and greeting over drinks and nibbles.
As is becoming the tradition, Business Whangaparaoa provided all nibbles free of charge and offers discount drinks vouchers to Business Whangaparaoa members to thank them for their membership support. This was also a celebration of our second birthday as Business Whangaparaoa Incorporated and an opportunity to celebrate surviving 2020 through Covid!