Blocks are the components for adding content in the new WordPress block editor. There are several blocks available within WordPress that you can easily add to your post or page, move within a post or page and search for.
There are different ways to configure and work with these blocks. You can also install additional third party blocks from the WordPress block directory.
Below is a list of the blocks that are currently available within WordPress. We will be adding to this list as more blocks are added with each release.
The Block Inserter categorizes the blocks into 6 different types: Text, Media, Design, Widgets, Theme and Embeds.
Learn more about the Embeds in this support article: Embeds.
You will also find a Most Used blocks category which is not shown by default. This category will be visible only if you enable ‘Show most used blocks’ in your Preferences.
When enabled, the Most Used blocks category will be displayed right above the Text blocks category. It will list all the blocks that you used recently on your post or page.
The blocks that appear in the Most Used section will vary based on which blocks you used recently on your post or page.